Yim Thai Express Stratford Upon Avon

Fast Food Restaurant Thai Restaurant
Serving authentic Thai Cuisine. Offering Pad Thai, Curries, Starter and Side dishes. Takeaway Collection
Serving authentic homemade Thai Cuisine. Offering; Pad Thai, Currys, Starter and Side dishes...

Yim Thai Express Stratford Upon Avon contact


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Yim Thai Express Stratford Upon Avon information

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Home delivery
Child friendly



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$ low price

Yim Thai Express Stratford Upon Avon facebook posts

Grow your own Victory Garden — Forest of Hearts

🥬 Grow your own edibles from plot to plate with our ‘Grow You Own Victory Garden’ Box
🌼 With all proceeds going towards helping us create the Kitchen Garden at Stratford-Upon-Avon hospital for NHS staff

A box...

Yim Thai Express Stratford Upon Avon, 2020.05.04.

Useful information at all times.

#staysafe x

Yim Thai Express Stratford Upon Avon, 2020.04.27.

We might be closed for the moment but thought to entertain you with a bit of humour until better days ahead . Hope you are all well. Stay safe & we look forward to see you soon.

Yim Thai Express Stratford Upon Avon, 2020.04.10.


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