Restaurant Hjem

Scandinavian Restaurant
Restaurant Hjem is located in the small village of Wall in the beautiful Northumberland countryside.

Restaurant Hjem contact


address: The Hadrian Hotel, Wall, NE46 4EE Hexham, UK



public transport:

​ If travelling by public transport, we recommend taking the train to Hexham Train Station and getting a taxi from outside the station. Trains to Hexham from Newcastle run roughly every 40 minutes from Central Station and the journey takes around 35 minutes. The latest train back to Newcastle from Hexham usually departs just after 11.40pm. We advise planning any travel by public transport in advance of your visit. There is also a small local bus service, The Tynedale Links 680 service, that runs from Hexham station to just outside the Hadrian Hotel but please note this service is infrequent throughout the day.

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Restaurant Hjem information

payment method:

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price category:

$$$ high price

Restaurant Hjem facebook posts

What an amazing night and a great outcome for us and so many other Northern restaurants. Great to see a north eastern restaurant @houseoftides so high up the rankings!!!
We're so proud to have been included in the @nationalrestaurantawards and in the company of so many fantastic...

Restaurant Hjem, 2021.08.17.

Photos from Restaurant Hjem's post

On the menu this evening; dry aged beef tartare from Sewingshields with smoked eel and caramalised onion.

Restaurant Hjem, 2021.08.05.

Photos from Restaurant Hjem's post

Blackcurrants from Capheaton, burnt meringue and cornflowers... accompanied with Macvin du Jura, "Les Exaltés", a sweet style Savagnin from the Labet family.

Restaurant Hjem, 2021.07.29.


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