So Salata

Salad Bar
Freshly made, vibrant, healthy and delicious salads are available at our unit & local farmers market

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price category:

$$ mid price

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***We are Open***

Heartbreakingly many of our friends in St.Ives in the hospitality trade are having to close their doors temporarily to protect their staff and customers due to Covid-19

We have been fortunate enough to be able to remain open throughout.


So Salata, 2021.06.23.

We have delivered a fresh stock of salads to the deli fridge @theoldforgelelant

#salad#fresh #deli #delicious #saladsofinstagram #saladsonthego #makingsaladsmore #takeaway #saladsfordinner #healthylifestyle #healthysalads

So Salata, 2021.06.09.


We will be back delivering a fresh batch of our Salads to @theoldforgelelant deli on Thursday this week, salads will be available from 10am.
We have a limited stock so be sure to get there early..alternatively if you wish to pre order and reserve salads...

So Salata, 2021.06.01.


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