I miss you guys, are you still going to be opening at some point?
Pakal Taco Bar
Mexican Restaurant
Truly authentic Mexican food in Brighton. Mexican owned and family run pop-up restaurant.
Pakal Taco Bar contact
Pakal Taco Bar opening hours
- Monday close
- Tuesday close
- Wednesday close
- Thursday close
- Friday 19:00 - 00:00
- Saturday 19:00 - 00:00
- Sunday close
Pakal Taco Bar ratings
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Pakal Taco Bar information
price category:
low price
Pakal Taco Bar facebook posts
Due to unforeseen circumstances Pakal will be closed tonight. We're really sorry if you were looking to come down! Remember that Saturday night will be out last night at The Corner, so come down and party like you're in Mexico (ignore the rain)! Big love from the Pakal team x
#mexicanfood #tacos #tequila #kemptwon #party #mexicanrestaurant