
European Restaurant Fondue Restaurant
Ooh-Fondue is a pop-up fondue restaurant held at a Number One Cafe, 36-38 Well Street, Hackney E9 7P

Ooh-Fondue contact


address: 36-38 Well Street, E97PX London, UK

Ooh-Fondue ratings

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Ooh-Fondue information

price category:

$$$ high price

Ooh-Fondue facebook posts

Social WiFi

Hi, we provide a Social WiFi system that works really well in customer-facing businesses.
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We're giving free trials at the moment. See our website for more details.

Ooh-Fondue, 2014.09.07.

Forking great: Ooh-Fondue pop up restaurant launches in Hackney

Lovely review from the peeps at East London Lines http://www.eastlondonlines.co.uk/2013/12/forking-great-ooh-fondue-pop-up-restaurant-launches-in-hackney/

Ooh-Fondue, 2013.12.10.

Ooh-Fondue Friday 5th, Saturday 6th

Photos from the weekend's shenanigans. Watch this space for more dates...

Ooh-Fondue, 2013.12.09.


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