So lovely when 7 months after lockdown that I’m still getting lovely messages from customers . Also the requests for advice .
The cafe although gone still is clearly part of the community .
I have been overwhelmed and it’s so lovely to hear from you all . I have been asked by quite...
Old Market Café
Old Market Café contact
Old Market Café opening hours
- Monday close
- Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
- Wednesday close
- Thursday close
- Friday 09:00 - 16:00
- Saturday 09:00 - 16:00
- Sunday close
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Old Market Café facebook posts
After a lot of debate and deliberation it is with a heavy heart that we are sorry to announce that The Old Market Cafe will not be reopening again 😒
This decision has been made due to current COVID -19 situation . Sadly we do not feel that we can adhere to the governments guidelines on...
Photos from Old Market Café's post
So today would of been our 5th birthday .
We had plans for a party to celebrate with all you lovely customers who have become such good friends to us .
Can’t believe how quickly time has passed .
Covid -19 has a lot to answer...