Happy Chinese New year wish you & your family a healthy and prosperous year of the Ox!!!
HK Noodle House, 2021.02.12.
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Happy Chinese New year wish you & your family a healthy and prosperous year of the Ox!!!
HK Noodle House, 2021.02.12.
We are working hard finding new property😭
Rents & Rates had really gives us a hard time. As it went up after a year. But we are moving on 👍
Please leave us a comment.
1. Where we should open ?
2. What food you miss the most ?
3. Did you enjoyed our food ?
HK Noodle House, 2019.08.12.
Closing Down LAST DAY TODAY. Due to rent increase we cannot survive. we are looking for another property so hope see again
HK Noodle House, 2019.01.09.
Northern Rye: Redefining British Bakery Delights in Newcastle