Chimichanga Brentwood

Southwestern Restaurant
We make the good times happen, so dust off your cowboy hats and sombreros – it’s time for a Chim

Chimichanga Brentwood contact


address: 106A High Street, CM14 4AP Brentwood, UK

Chimichanga Brentwood ratings

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Chimichanga Brentwood information

price category:

$$ mid price

Chimichanga Brentwood reviews

Chimichanga Brentwood facebook posts

Well what can i say, this must have one of the most boring burgers i have ever eaten, not taste, no colour. wouldnt mind we was the only 3 ppl in there

Chimichanga Brentwood, 2017.12.23.

Chimichanga Brentwood updated their website address.

Chimichanga Brentwood, 2017.10.19.

`be really nice if they confirmed my booking

Chimichanga Brentwood, 2017.09.17.


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