
Roulsties Makers of fine Toasties Born in Bristol, UK. Showcasing local produce to create fine tas

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Cím: Whiteladies Road Farmers' Market, BS8 2RF Bristol, UK

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$ Alacsony árfekvés

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Roulsties - Makers of Fine Toasties. Artisan Sourdough Toasties. Independent street food business located in Bristol, UK.

Roulsties, 2017.12.13.

Timeline Photos

It’s our last day of the year Bristol and all 5 of our classics are on the menu until 2pm! Pop by and say hi 🍞🧀🙌 #roulsties #makersoffinetoasties #bristolfood #toastie

Roulsties, 2017.12.02.

Timeline Photos

SATURDAY IS OUR LAST DAY FOR THE YEAR! That’s right, this Saturday will be our last trading day of 2017. We will be at Whiteladies Road Farmers’ Market from 9am - 2pm! All classics will be on the menu, so pop by for your fave before the year ends 🍞🧀🙌 #roulsties...

Roulsties, 2017.11.30.
