Larsson's Coffee House

European/ continental peasant food. Wholesome and interesting

Larsson's Coffee House elérhetősége


Cím: 7, Buller Street, PL13 1AS Looe, UK

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$ Alacsony árfekvés

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Larsson's Coffee House and Creperie

Will reopen on Tuesday June the 1st "and about time too!!" Or so I overheard someone say when I mentioned it near a passing stranger. I will in future check that no stranger is passing when mentioning stuff out loud. It does seem that the town is...

Larsson's Coffee House, 2021.05.25.

Dave says to tell you Goodbye and thanks for all the Chats!

It has been a while since I wrote anything to share with you. That is mostly because I really have not done anything very interesting for a rather long time. Before I move on. Hands up anyone who has done something so...

Larsson's Coffee House, 2021.05.04.

Time is not something I discovered recently. Of course even that is time relative. No I was thinking that the virus without trying too hard did what no person, of public standing, could do in the same time. Trump was amongst us for four years and because...

Larsson's Coffee House, 2021.01.25.
